Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 7: Mentioned by Pasquino

So last week the UofA was on spring break so I didn't have class. Not having class left lots of time for sleep among other productive things such as reading and trying to write an introduction.

Pasquino and Marfario are two of the "talking statues" that are placed around Rome. Individuals would post short snippets of verse criticizing the pope on the statues for everyone else to see. Due to this, Pasquino was put under surveillance so then other statues like Marfario appeared and continued the practice. It's like an early Twitter in a way. "Marfario mentioned Pasquino in a tweet" or something would be a normal notification, and anonymous individuals had conversations as these statues. These statues remain today as well as records of some of their interactions. I can see it now...@Marfario replied to your tweet...

Marforio:- Dimmi: che fai Pasquino? (Pasquino, tell me: what are you doing?)
Eh, guardo Roma, chè non vada a Urbino. (I watch over Rome, to make sure it's not moved to Urbino)

Reading and writing about them as well as reading Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy made up my break. Hope everyone's break was relaxing and enjoyable!

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