Sunday, May 4, 2014

Week 11-12: Finis

The end is here! Here is the end!
Professor Kendall gave me a gold star on my paper, and my presentation is ready to go. Yes, the gold star is a real physical gold star, and I am unusually proud of it.
The morning class finished up the chain of emperors with Septimius Severus and Caracalla.
They are pictured here with Julia Domna, and then Geta, poor Geta who was erased by Caracalla.
The afternoon class is finished with Mussolini and his "New Roman Empire." There is just something fundamentally wrong with a square Colosseum.
And this one is supposed to be a modern Pantheon...
Maybe this last post will just be of pretty pictures. I ended up comparing Obama's" "Hope" poster to the Prima Porta Augustus statue. The dolphin has a pug nose because dolphins can't stand on their noses. Go figure. 
I almost can't believe that this project is almost over. All that's left now is my final presentation which doesn't feel real. I'm excited about it, but I'm also quite nervous especially since I want to avoid a heated political debate. 
Here's another pretty picture of what Augustus' forum might have looked like. 
I'd like to thank Professor Kendall and Dr. Williams for helping and advising me on this project. I don't quite know how to put it into words. 
Hic est finis. This is the end.